Tuesday, December 12, 2006

My photographic Expedition - Part 1

I hate flowers. I paint them because they're cheaper than models and they don't move. - Georgia O'Keeffe

For Similar reasons, when I started photography, monuments around Bombay served as my models. They came with two advantages- they didn't complain even if you took a long time to compose your shot (hurry up man, I'm tired of standing); and they came free (can you beat that!!!).

Unlike the guy in the quote above, I dont hate the monuments, though I do have a inherent dislike for all those jokers who scribble "Raj loves Raja" (Must be from the US) or treat them as some ancient Sulabh Shauchalayas.

In another post, I will post my long journey of collecting and selling of various camera gear...

I live to read

Though at times i feel that i am a half baked reader.

Books have been my companion since a long long time. Countless vacations spent in the welcoming arms of novels. They are my best friends. They never judge me, never put me down , are always so willing to share and invite me to their world, and are always there when ever i want them.

I used to buy something like 4 books a year. Now i dont maintain that count... there's barely enuf space here in this tiny rat hole which i have rented out (rents in bangalore have no relation to the amt of space you get to occupy), and my wife threatens to throw my books out whenever i buy em. To my credit, in my 3 years here, i have not only purchased em, but also ensured that all 3 of us (me, my missus, and me books) live under one roof....

In Bombay, i used to buy a good amt of them from the foothpaths of Fort. Second hand stuff, with the name of the previous owner scribbled, at times words under-lined, at times comments written. These second hand books have their own "smell", their own "character"

A book i would not hesitate to recommend:
The moon is down by John Steinbeck, besids ofcourse, his Grapes of Wrath.

p.s. books are my best friends.... Sheesh.... what kind of a loser are you dude- get a life

Monday, December 11, 2006

Why this blog...

... and why this name?

I had a homepage at tripod,with this. Havent updated that in a while. While a lot of people have visited that page, there hasn't been a single comment or feedback. Thought that maybe it's time to move into the blog space.

Why this name??? becoz i am, in my own little world, a superhero. Look within you, you might be one too... anyways, enuf of this spiritual ying- yang. This aint supposed to be chicken soup whatever....

I used to hold a day job (which more often than not extended into the night as well as the weekends) with a market research agency. Inspite of a hectic schedule, I managed to develop (and retain in a few cases), my interests in reading, writing, cartooning and photography. There have been times when i have "stretched" beyond what was expected of any sane person, worked 14 hrs a day, 7 days a week, 10 weeks at a stretch... never said no to any collegue wanting help....

